Knowing the tricks behind landscape design can turn into your front yard from “daunting project” to “pet project.” Make sure to consider Darren Manson’s tips for an easily maintained curbside landscape.
Keep It Minimal
With midcentury homes, you want their architecture to shine, so don’t hide them behind an array of bushes. For desert homes, stick to rock- or granite-based landscape for a nice, clean look.
Know Your Flora
The trick to xeriscaping (landscaping that requires zero maintenance) is knowing what plants are indigenous to your area. For Palm Springs, barrel cactus, agave and palms thrive with little to no watering. If you want to know more about how to plan your plants around your climate, check out our guide.
Plan It Out
Before putting anything in the ground, consider patterns and statements. A straight line of simple succulents makes a great frame around a complex architectural feature, while a plain wall could use a nice, large statement plant to make things pop.
Light It Up
For that extra zing, give your yard some life at night with well-placed lighting. From a spotlight on your star agave to simple lights that lead from the curb to the front door, a little glow here and there can make your house shine.