There’s always more to know about all things retro and Mid Century Modern, and our Instagram columnists are here to help. Each month, they share their expertise with us on Instagram Live. Atomic Ranch Brand Leader Jickie Torres speaks with each columnist on Instagram for rich and informative conversations on a variety of mid mod topics.
Jickie describes the idea of the Instagram Live column: “Each month we’ll be bringing multiple experts in the fields of Mid Century Modern design, history and lifestyle to our Instagram audience to share their insight, advice and thoughts on trends emerging in our landscape. It’s great exclusive access for our community to be able to not only learn but ask their own questions and potentially get answers to things they are dealing with directly as homeowners, creatives, business people and preservationists in the mid-mod space.”

What to Expect from our Instagram Columnists
After a year of facilitating these Instagram Live conversations, Jickie Torres has a lot to say about how much she loves them and why you will too.

“I’ve learned so much myself interviewing our columnists live each month—from how to start the historic designation process for your home which Kimber explained to us a few months ago, to little known mid-century era artists that are trending in the vintage and collectible world and the connection between native art and the aesthetics of the modernists.”
And as far as what to expect, she has a pretty good idea of what that is like too. “Our conversations are just downright fun and get pretty lively like when Kimber and I discussed the misfortune of the Craig Elwood estate that was razed recently here in LA so that it’s lot could be used to build a new modern farmhouse. Things can get heated, which I love because I love tapping into that passion that my fellow modernists have about this era.”
Meet Our Instagram Columnists
Kimber Dempsey
Based in Denver, Colorado where she was born and raised, Kimber is a realtor who specializes in mid century modern, vintage, and other unique properties. She’ll work with you to find you the perfect fit while respecting your budget.
Whether it’s your first home, something vintage charming, architecturally significant or a specialized equestrian property, you need someone who understands where to find it and how to market these Denver gems. Understanding the care, provenance, and architectural history of these homes provides you with a solid investment you will be proud of. For Kimber, her clients are the most important piece of the real estate puzzle. If you need a special home for your furry family, Kimber understands—she’s been an avid equestrian for 30 years, and she two Scottish terriers! Her job is to have your best interests and needs in mind, and to direct you to the best possible option for your goals.
As a Colorado Native and growing up in a real estate family, she knows the Denver Metro area like the back of her hand. She’s immersed in the Denver market, sitting on the board for Historic Littleton Inc and Docomomo US/Colorado to promote education and the preservation of these special homes. She loves retro real estate so much, she owns two mid century modern homes as well! Reach out to her anytime if you want to learn more about special Denver Neighborhoods, historic preservation, or the best way to buy or sell mid century modern homes!
John Moran
Auctioneers & Appraisers

John Moran Auctioneers is an auction house located in the Greater Los Angeles area. They specialize in Mid-Century Modern, Contemporary, American West, and Traditional art and design, fine furnishings, jewelry, and more. They operate from core principles of approachability, transparency, and honesty. Being in the business over 50 years, John Moran has built a reputation for their customizable, boutique approach towards consignment, estate liquidation, appraisals, and valuation services.

For upcoming highlights, online catalogues, and more information on these sales, visit John Moran’s website: and follow them on social media: @johnmoran_auctioneers. Along with their website, bidding is now available online via Moran’s new mobile app, Moran Mobile, available on both iOS and Android operating systems. You may also choose to bid by phone or absentee.
Consignments are always welcome: Email them at today!

Michael Norpell, Wall To Wall Architecture

Usually, when someone sets out to build an MCM dream house, you’d need to contact an interior designer and a landscape architect. In most cases, those are two separate people or firms, as both require specific training. But Michael Norpell is a package deal. He’s trained as both a landscape architect and interior designer and has over 20 years of experience crafting complete living environments. He holds a B.A. in biology and art history from Denison University, where he excelled in studio art and stage set design. He further honed his skills at the Rhode Island School of Design, earning a Masters of Landscape Architecture in 1997.
In 2000, he founded his own design/build firm. He is dedicated to enhancing clients’ spaces while respecting the original design style and various budget sizes. Michael Norpell’s Wall To Wall Architecture is based in Palm Springs, and their office is in fact in the Donald Wexler designed Palm Springs Professional Park.

And of course, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube for more Atomic Ranch articles, house tours, and ideas!