“The Jetsons” first aired for one season from 1962 to 1963 and was ABC’s first television show to be broadcast in color. Made by Hanna-Barbera Cartoons—creators of such iconic shows as “The Flintstones,” “The Smurfs,” and “Scooby-Doo”—“The Jetsons” depicted a family living in the fictional metropolis of Orbit City in the year 2062. Even after 60 years, the architecture, technology and the daily life of the ”The Jetsons” are still discussed today to see just how far we’ve come.
The architecture of Orbit City and the Jetsons’ home, The Skypad Apartments, is unmistakably “Googie,” a style of futuristic architecture popularized in the mid century that was known for its sloping roofs, geometric shapes and use of glass and steel.
Coincidentally, the show first aired within a year of the opening of three iconic Googie buildings: Seattle’s Space Needle, Los Angeles’ Theme Building and the TWA Flight Center at La Guardia Airport (a few miles outside of New York City). Googie architecture didn’t catch on as much as “The Jetsons” creators thought it might, but the style can still be seen in cities across the globe.
While flying cars and jet packs have yet to come to fruition for us common folk, “The Jetsons” accurately predicted much of the technology we now use every day: Cellphones, flat-screen TVs, smart watches and video conferencing (unfortunately), are all part of our daily lives.
A Jetson’s day-to-day life was, is and will most likely be a bit different than our own. However, with a start time of 11:00 a.m. and a two-hour work week, the future should be a little brighter for the working class. Household chores are nonexistent … with the help of Rosie the Robot. Feeding a family can be done with a push of a button as a result of 3D-printed food.
While “The Jetsons” was a depiction of a yet-unfilled future, its hopeful and comedic tone still resonates today.
Want a list of the most binge-able movies and television shows that highlight Mid Century Modern at its finest? We’ve got you covered! Check out “Top 10 MCM Movies And Television Shows.”
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